Hello my dear ones, today pea soup against the autumn blues is on the blog. I would like to introduce you to my vegan favorite soups, more precisely my Top 3 autumn soups, one more delicious than the other.
The pea soup is very fast prepared and super easy to make. You only need the following ingredients:
-500g Peas (deep-frozen)
-160g Cartons (mainly solid-boiling)
-Coconut oil for steaming
-500ml vegetable broth
-1 can of coconut milk
-1 clove of garlic
-1 onion
-1 tsp salt
-Peppers and nutmeg to taste
Preparation Pea soup:
First, cut the onion and garlic. Dampen both in a large pot with some coconut oil.
While this first step peel the potatoes and dice it into small pieces. Place the potatoes in the pan and sauté. Add the peas, the coconut milk and the vegetable broth to the cooking pot. Let the ingredients cook for at least 15 minutes at medium heat. After 15 minutes, finely mix the soup with the blender stick. Who wants can still give a few whole peas into the soup. If the soup should be a bit thicker, the amount of potatoes can be increased.
Finally, season it with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Now if you are looking for more soups, have a look on my blog in the next few days, there will be another 2 upcoming recipes 🙂
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