
Carrot Cake

February 17, 2016
Karottenkuchen, carrots cake

Today I have a very delicious and vegan cake recipe for you. The recipe fits perfectly for spring. When someone thinks of carrots certainly the first idea isn`t to bake with these. But the carrots make the cake wonderfully juicy and soft.


– 150 g ground hazelnuts

– 400 g Carrots – peel and grate

– 100 g sugar

– 25 g coarse oatmeal.

– 10 g Vanilla sugar

– Lemon zest – rasps

– 1/2 lemon – juice

– Pinch of cinnamon

– 1/2 apple – finely grated

– Pack Baking Soda


– As egg substitute: 1-2 potatoes cut into small pieces and cook with a little water. When these are cooked mash to mashed potatoes and use 2 tablespoons as a replacement for 2 eggs.



Grate the Carrots and mix with the remaining ingredients. Process all ingredients to an uniform dough and add 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoe. If the dough is not liquid enough add 1 tablespoon water.

Pour everything into a suitable baking pan and bake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes.

Enjoy it!

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