I’ve never been a breakfast person. I love to sleep as long as I can and mostly there is no more time for me to eat something before I have to leave the house. But now I have a great breakfast that can easily prepared the night before. I think everybody knows it, Chia Pudding. In my version I use vanilla and homemade rhubarb compote.
Ingredients (for 2 servings):
For the compote:
– 300 g rhubarb
– 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar or other sweeteners
For the custard:
– 2 tablespoons chia seeds
– 200 mg soy yogurt
– 100 ml soy milk
– some vanilla
– raspberries
– dried pieces of coconut
Preparation Chia Pudding:
Mix the chia seeds with yogurt and milk. Scratch the marks from the vanilla and add to the mixture. Stir the whole again after 15 minutes, so that chia seeds can swell evenly. Leave the pudding in the refrigerator overnight. That’s it 🙂
The next day you can serve the Chia pudding with the compote and the toppings.
Preparation Rhubarb Compote:
First, if they are still present, the leaves should be removed from the rhubarb, as they are not fit for human consumption. Rinse the rhubarb thoroughly. Cut of the dry spots at the bottom. Now you can peel the rhubarb: Hold the tough fibers from one end of the rod starting with a small knife to pull it off lengthwise. In this way, you should peel the entire rhubarb until no threads hanging on it. Now, the rods can be cut into 2-3 cm pieces. Now boil the rhubarb pieces now with 1 tablespoon sugar (I use this my homemade vanilla sugar) or agave syrup while stirring. At your leisure, you can let the rhubarb compote simmer until everything is cooked. Those who prefer a lumpy, cook just a little shorter. I do not use “gelling”, but I leave the compote as long as it reached its desired consistency on the hotplate. The compote can either be packaged in jars, or be eaten directly. I always do more compote, to have something in stock.
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